• Opening Time : 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Canadian Study Permit

Why Study in Canada as a Pakistani Student?

Studying in Canada as a Pakistani student offers a range of advantages, making it an attractive destination for higher education. Here are several reasons why Pakistani students might consider studying in Canada:
  1. High-Quality Education: Canadian universities and colleges are known for their high academic standards and rigorous quality controls. Degrees obtained from Canadian institutions are recognized globally.
  2. Cultural Diversity: Canada is a multicultural and inclusive society, offering a welcoming environment for international students. The diversity of cultures and languages provides a unique opportunity for cross-cultural experiences.
  3. Safety and Quality of Life: Canada is known for being one of the safest countries in the world. Its cities consistently rank high in global quality of life indices, offering a peaceful and secure environment for students.
  4. Work Opportunities: Canada allows international students to work part-time during the academic session and full-time during scheduled breaks. After completing their studies, students may be eligible for post-graduation work permits, facilitating the transition to the Canadian workforce.
  5. Language: Canada is a bilingual country with English and French as official languages. Studying in an English-speaking environment can enhance language skills and prepare students for the global job market.
  6. Research Opportunities: Canada is at the forefront of research and innovation. Many universities actively engage in cutting-edge research across various disciplines, providing students with opportunities to contribute to groundbreaking projects.
  7. Quality of Education Institutions: Canadian universities consistently rank high in global university rankings. Institutions like the University of Toronto, McGill University, and the University of British Columbia are renowned for their academic excellence.
  8. Post-Graduation Immigration Opportunities: Canada has favorable immigration policies for international students. The Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) allows students who have completed eligible programs to work in Canada and potentially transition to permanent residency.
  9. Healthcare Benefits: Most provinces in Canada offer international students access to healthcare services through provincial health plans, providing peace of mind in terms of health coverage during their studies.
  10. Natural Beauty and Outdoor Activities: Canada is known for its stunning landscapes, including mountains, lakes, and forests. This offers students the chance to engage in various outdoor activities, contributing to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
  11. Global Perspective: Canada’s emphasis on diversity and internationalization fosters a global perspective. Students benefit from exposure to different cultures, ideas, and perspectives, preparing them for an interconnected world.
  12. Friendly Immigration Policies: Canada’s welcoming immigration policies encourage diversity and inclusion, making it easier for students to integrate into Canadian society.
These factors collectively make Canada an appealing destination for Pakistani students seeking a high-quality education, cultural enrichment, and promising career opportunities.

Best Course for Study in Canada

The best course of study in Canada for a Pakistani student depends on your individual interests, career goals, and the academic field that aligns with your passion. Canada offers a diverse range of programs across various disciplines. Here are some popular fields of study that Pakistani students often pursue in Canada:

  1. Engineering: Canada has reputable engineering programs, including civil, mechanical, electrical, and software engineering.

  2. Computer Science and IT: Given the importance of technology, computer science and IT programs are highly sought after, providing opportunities for specializations in areas such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and data science.

  3. Business and Management: Business programs, including finance, marketing, and management, are popular choices. Canadian institutions offer strong business education with a global perspective.

  4. Health Sciences and Nursing: Programs in health sciences, nursing, and related fields are in demand. Canadian universities are known for their focus on healthcare education and research.

  5. Natural Sciences: If you have an interest in biology, chemistry, physics, or environmental science, Canada offers excellent programs with research opportunities.

  6. Environmental Studies and Sustainability: Given Canada’s commitment to environmental conservation, programs in environmental studies and sustainability are increasingly popular.

  7. International Relations and Political Science: For those interested in global affairs, international relations, and political science programs provide a comprehensive understanding of geopolitical issues.

  8. Education and Teaching: Programs in education and teaching are available for those interested in pursuing a career in teaching or educational leadership.

  9. Tourism and Hospitality Management: Canada’s tourism industry is growing, making programs in tourism and hospitality management attractive for those interested in this sector.

  10. Art and Design: Programs in fine arts, graphic design, and other creative disciplines are offered by Canadian institutions with a strong emphasis on creativity and innovation.

  11. Agriculture and Agribusiness: Canada has a significant agricultural sector, and programs in agriculture, agribusiness, and food science are available.

  12. Social Work and Community Services: Social work and community services programs prepare students for careers in social services and community development.

  13. Media and Communication: Programs in media studies, journalism, and communication are popular choices, providing skills for careers in media and communication industries.

When choosing a course, consider factors such as the reputation of the institution, program accreditation, faculty expertise, and potential career outcomes. Additionally, ensure that the program meets your personal and professional goals. Research specific universities and their offerings, and don’t hesitate to reach out to educational advisors for guidance.

What are the Universities in Canada?

Canada is home to many reputable universities that attract students from around the world, including Pakistani students. Here are some well-known universities in Canada that are popular among international students, including those from Pakistan:

  1. University of Toronto: Located in Ontario, the University of Toronto is consistently ranked among the top universities globally. It offers a wide range of programs and is known for its research contributions.

  2. University of British Columbia (UBC): UBC, situated in Vancouver, is renowned for its academic excellence and research output. It has a strong emphasis on sustainability and innovation.

  3. McGill University: Located in Montreal, Quebec, McGill University is known for its diverse and vibrant campus. It offers a range of programs and is recognized for its research contributions.

  4. University of Alberta: The University of Alberta, located in Edmonton, is particularly strong in the fields of science, engineering, and health sciences. It has a robust research environment.

  5. University of Waterloo: Known for its cooperative education programs, the University of Waterloo in Ontario is a leader in technology, engineering, and business education.

  6. University of Calgary: Located in Alberta, the University of Calgary is known for its strong programs in energy-related fields, business, and health sciences.

  7. University of Ottawa: Situated in the capital city, the University of Ottawa is bilingual (English and French) and offers a diverse range of programs, including law, social sciences, and humanities.

  8. York University: Located in Toronto, York University is known for its strong programs in business, law, and the arts. It has a diverse and multicultural campus.

  9. Queen’s University: Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, is known for its strong programs in business, engineering, and health sciences.

  10. Simon Fraser University (SFU): SFU, located in British Columbia, is known for its innovative programs and commitment to community engagement. It has campuses in Burnaby, Surrey, and Vancouver.

  11. University of Manitoba: The University of Manitoba, situated in Winnipeg, is known for its strong programs in agriculture, engineering, and health sciences.

  12. Dalhousie University: Located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Dalhousie University is known for its strong programs in health sciences, law, and marine biology.

These are just a few examples, and Canada has many other excellent universities and colleges. It’s important to research specific programs, faculty, and campus environments to find the best fit for your academic and personal goals. Additionally, always check the official websites of the universities for the most up-to-date information on programs, admission requirements, and application procedures.

Cost of Study in Canada for Students

  • Ontario has the most expensive tuition fees. Students pay on average of 9,454 CAD per year here.
  • Reports show that average tuition fees for undergraduate programs for international students in Canada are 26, 725 CAD per annum. Here the engineering and medical sciences would be expensive as compared to the cheap courses. In Canada, pursuing an engineering degree takes an average of  28, 340 CAD per annum.
  • Whereas the post-graduation fees are comparatively lower. It varies depending on the courses you take. But at an approximate sight, sources state 16, 252 CAD. However, the management studies in Canada are comparatively more costly than the average fees. Especially when you choose the executive programs for MBAs. It falls approximately at  52,000 CAD.

Study Programs

01 UG 7,000 CAD – 29,000 CAD
02 PG 7,000 CAD – 43,000 CAD
03 PHD 7,000 CAD – 43,000 CAD
04 Diploma 7,000 CAD – 20,000 CAD

Cost of Living in Canada?


Canada is considered to be one of the budget-friendly countries in the world, especially by international students. An average living cost in Canada would come somewhere around 15,000 CAD20,000 CAD. This is again dependent on the area you reside in and your lifestyle. It is to be noted that these expenses are bound to come apart from your tuition fees. Nonetheless, you need not worry too much about it either.

01 Food 300 CAD – 500 CAD
02 Accommodation 800 CAD – 2,500 CAD
03 Transportation 150 CAD – 300 CAD
04 Internet 50 CAD – 100CAD
05 Miscellaneous 1,000 CAD  – 2,000 CAD

What Programs Are to Study in Canada?

Canadian universities and colleges offer a diverse range of study programs for international students, including those from Pakistan. The available programs cover various academic fields and levels of study. Here are some common types of study programs that Pakistani students can pursue in Canada:

  1. Undergraduate Programs:These are bachelor’s degree programs that typically span three to four years. Pakistani students can choose from a wide range of disciplines such as arts, sciences, business, engineering, and more.

  2. Graduate Programs:Graduate programs include master’s and doctoral (Ph.D.) degrees. Pakistani students can pursue advanced studies in fields such as engineering, computer science, business administration, social sciences, health sciences, and many others.

  3. Diploma and Certificate Programs:These are shorter-term programs that focus on specific skills and are often more practical in nature. Diplomas and certificates are offered in areas like business, technology, healthcare, and hospitality.

  4. English Language Programs:English language programs are designed for international students, including those from Pakistan, who want to improve their English language skills before pursuing academic programs. These programs are often available at language schools or within universities.

  5. Pre-University Programs:Some universities offer pre-university or foundation programs that help international students, including Pakistani students, transition to the Canadian education system. These programs focus on academic preparation and language skills.

  6. Professional Programs:Professional programs are designed for specific career paths and often lead to professional licensure. Examples include programs in law, medicine, engineering, and architecture.

  7. Cooperative Education (Co-op) Programs:Co-op programs integrate work experience with academic study. Pakistani students can gain practical, paid work experience related to their field of study.

  8. Technical and Vocational Programs:Technical and vocational programs provide hands-on training in specific trades and skills. Examples include programs in culinary arts, automotive technology, and graphic design.

  9. Online and Distance Learning:Many Canadian institutions offer online and distance learning options, allowing Pakistani students to pursue their studies remotely. This can be particularly convenient for those who may not be able to relocate to Canada.

When choosing a program, it’s important for Pakistani students to consider their academic interests, career goals, and the specific admission requirements of the institutions they are interested in. Researching universities, checking program details, and reaching out to admissions offices can help in making informed decisions about the type of study program that suits individual preferences and aspirations.

What Exams are Required to Study in Canada?

To study in Canada as a Pakistani student, you typically need to meet certain academic and language proficiency requirements. Here are the common exams that may be required:

IELTS (International English Language Testing System): Many Canadian universities and colleges accept IELTS scores as proof of English proficiency. Different programs and institutions may have varying score requirements.

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): TOEFL is another widely accepted English proficiency test. Some institutions may specify a preference for either IELTS or TOEFL, so it’s essential to check the requirements of the specific university or program.

Duolingo English Test: Some institutions also accept the Duolingo English Test as an alternative to IELTS or TOEFL. It is an online test that evaluates language proficiency.

Scholarship to Study in Canada?

There are various scholarships available for Pakistani students to study in Canada. These scholarships are offered by Canadian universities, government bodies, and private organizations. Here are some scholarship opportunities for Pakistani students:

  1. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships:The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships are awarded to doctoral students who demonstrate leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement. The scholarship is available to both Canadian and international students, including those from Pakistan.

  2. Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program:Administered by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE), this program offers scholarships to students from Commonwealth countries, including Pakistan, for master’s and doctoral studies in Canada.

  3. Global Affairs Canada Scholarships:Global Affairs Canada offers various scholarship programs for international students, including the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) and the Canada-CARICOM Leadership Scholarships Program.

  4. IDRC Research Awards:The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) offers research awards to master’s and doctoral students pursuing studies related to international development. Pakistani students are eligible to apply.

  5. University-specific Scholarships:Many Canadian universities offer scholarships specifically for international students. These scholarships may be merit-based or need-based and can cover tuition fees, living expenses, or both. Examples include the University of Toronto International Scholar Award and the University of British Columbia International Leader of Tomorrow Award.

  6. Ontario Trillium Scholarships (OTS):The OTS program is designed to attract highly qualified international students to Ontario for Ph.D. studies. Pakistani students pursuing doctoral studies in Ontario are eligible to apply.

  7. Quebec Scholarships for Foreign Students:The Government of Quebec offers scholarships for international students, including Pakistani students, at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels.

  8. Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program:The Aga Khan Foundation offers a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries, including Pakistan.

  9. Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP):The CSFP is a program through which Pakistani students can apply for scholarships for postgraduate (master’s and doctoral) studies in Commonwealth countries, including Canada.

  10. Mitacs Globalink Research Internship:Mitacs offers research internships for international undergraduate students, including those from Pakistan, to engage in research projects with Canadian faculty members.

It’s important for Pakistani students to check the specific eligibility criteria and application procedures for each scholarship program. Additionally, they should explore scholarship opportunities offered by individual universities and research institutions in Canada. The official websites of the scholarship providers are valuable resources for up-to-date information and application details.

01 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship It is awarded to students for 2 years who pursue a postgraduate degree in environmental & social science or health studies CAD 71,263
02 Vanier Graduate Scholarships It is given to doctoral students enrolled in natural sciences, engineering research, health research, social science, & humanities research; for 3 years CAD 50,915
03 IDRC Research Awards This scholarship supports the student for 1 year and is applicable for those pursuing their master’s or postdoctoral degrees CAD 15,268
04 Anne Vallee Ecological Fund Students who are doing their doctoral degrees in animal sciences at universities in British Columbia or Quebec can apply for this CAD 1,527
05 Trudeau Scholarships & Fellowships These are awarded to doctoral students pursuing their research in human rights & dignity, people & their natural environment, responsible citizenship, or Canada and the world CAD 61,080
06 York University International Student Scholarship A minimum CGPA of 7.80 is required to avail of this scholarship CAD 138,505
07 University of Calgary International Entrance Scholarship Students pursuing a full-time UG program, with a minimum GPA of 3.20 can apply for this CAD 14,840
08 University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships Those students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 will only be considered for this fellowship CAD 13,854
09 The University of British Columbia Scholarship Those who are on a study permit and not nominated for need-and-merit-based International Scholars Award are eligible for this CAD 39,593

Canada Student Visa

Canada remains a preferred destination for a significant number of international students, particularly those from India. To pursue studies in Canada, international students must secure a valid study permit from Canadian Immigration authorities. This entails meeting criteria such as maintaining good health, having a clear criminal record, demonstrating sufficient financial resources, and obtaining acceptance from a Designated Learning Institute (DLI).

Climatic Conditions

Explore unique climates in major Canadian cities; Vancouver and Victoria deviate from the continental climate norm. Vancouver boasts an oceanic climate, resembling a warm-summer Mediterranean pattern with distinct dry summers. Meanwhile, Victoria, BC stands as the sole major Canadian city fully immersed in a warm-summer Mediterranean climate. Among the eight largest Canadian cities, Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto experience the warmest summers, Winnipeg encounters the coldest winters, and Vancouver enjoys milder winters compared to its counterparts.


Earning Potential

01 Accounting and Finance Earn up to 52,000 CAD
02 Applied and Pure Science Earn up to 89,084 CAD
03 Architecture and Construction Earn up to 87,198 CAD
04 Education and Training Earn up to 41,500 CAD
05 IT and Computer Science Earn up to 1284,253 CAD
06 Travel and Hospitality Earn up to 31,600 CAD
07 Law Earn up to 73,246 CAD

Future Intakes


In Canada, the academic year is typically divided into two main intakes: Fall (September) and Winter (January). These are the primary start dates for academic programs at Canadian universities and colleges. However, some institutions may also have a smaller intake in the Summer (May).

  1. Fall Intake (September):

    The Fall intake is the most common and widely attended intake in Canada. It marks the beginning of the academic year, and many programs start in September. The application deadlines for the Fall intake are usually in the months leading up to the start of the academic year.

  2. Winter Intake (January):

    The Winter intake is the second-largest intake and allows students to start their programs in January. While not as extensive as the Fall intake, many universities and colleges offer a variety of programs for the Winter semester. Application deadlines for the Winter intake are typically in the months preceding January.

  3. Summer Intake (May):

    The Summer intake is less common but is still available at some institutions, particularly for specific programs. Application deadlines for the Summer intake are usually in the months leading up to May.

It’s important for Pakistani students to check the specific application deadlines for the programs and institutions they are interested in, as these can vary. Additionally, students should consider factors such as the availability of courses, accommodation, and seasonal considerations when choosing their intake.